
日本燕三条製鐵流|頂級窒化鐵鍋系列 格仔錘紋煎鍋 28cm 送 吉川不鏽鋼單柄雪平鍋 22cm及22CM玻璃蓋


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Original price was: HKD$1786.0.Current price is: HKD$749.0.


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日本燕三条製鐵流|頂級窒化鐵鍋系列 格仔錘紋煎鍋 28cm 送 吉川不鏽鋼單柄雪平鍋 22cm及22CM玻璃蓋

日本燕三条製鐵流|頂級窒化鐵鍋系列 格仔錘紋煎鍋 28cm 送 吉川不鏽鋼單柄雪平鍋 22cm及22CM玻璃蓋

Summit – 日本燕三条製鐵流|頂級窒化鐵鍋系列 格仔錘紋煎鍋 28cm (價值$986)

尺寸︰280(直徑) x 55(高)mm,手柄︰200(長)mm,底部︰200(直徑)mm
總容量︰2.3 L
重量︰0.93 kg

日本燕三条製鐵流|頂級窒化鐵鍋系列 格仔錘紋煎鍋 28cm 送 吉川不鏽鋼單柄雪平鍋 22cm及22CM玻璃蓋特點
1. 新潟燕三条製。鐵擁有良好傳熱及蓄熱性質,開鑊及長期潤鑊親油性更不沾鍋
2. 99.9%純鐵鍋,500°C高溫窒化處理後使它更堅硬及防鏽
3. 出廠前經過清洗,鐵鍋的鐵粉比其它窒化鐵鍋減少95%,開鍋更得心應手
4. 鍋身及鍋底的凹凸紋理可托起食物、使多餘油脂滲入凹紋,防止黏底
5. 天然木製直手握柄設計,可減慢熱度傳至手柄
6. 可用於所有爐具
7. 鍋身28cm直徑,適合翻炒,適合2-3人份量菜式
8. 簡易清潔,只要一次開鍋及保持潤鑊,往後只需用熱水洗滌

吉川 – 不鏽鋼單柄雪平鍋 22cm (價值$720) 及 玻璃蓋22cm (價值$80)

尺寸︰220(直徑) x 85(高)mm,手柄︰170(長)mm
總容量︰3 L
重量︰0.57 kg

1. 日本燕三条製,出名的金屬食器加工地,品質上乘
2. 不鏽鋼製,易清潔、耐酸、耐腐蝕性高,適用於所有爐具
3. 六角形蜂巢槌目紋,加快傳熱,受熱均勻,而且煲煮時防止湯汁溢出
4. 微彎、非直角的鍋底可以充分拌勻醬汁
5. 傳統雪平鍋的雙倒咀,容易倒出煮物湯汁
6. 酚醛樹脂手柄,防止燙手,易清潔

由 瑞生行(國際)貿易有限公司出售- 此產品只能選擇門市自取或送貨上門,故順豐相關的自取服務,並不適用
– 商家使用 CXC 快遞倉配送上門,服務時間為星期一至五上午九時至下午六時,星期六上午九時至中午十二時,公眾假期休息。
– 如閣下訂購此產品,並選擇送貨上門,速運公司會先以短訊形式通知閣下送貨的日期及時間,並會於送貨前半小時再度致電閣下確認。 – 除了下單後收到的確認電郵,產品出貨後,我們亦會傳送相關之追蹤號給閣下追蹤訂單狀態。

Summit – Nitriding Process Iron Frying Pan 28cm(Value $986)
This Nitriding frying pan features textured cooking surface – dotted pattern that creates air pockets for better searing and non-stick functions.
Size: 260(Ø)x78(L)mm, Handstock:200mm
Pot Diameter: 140(Ø)mm
Bottom Thick: 1.6mm
Volume: 3 L
Weight: 0.7 kg

Features & Materials:
With nitrided treatment, it’s created a hardened surface for rust resistance.
Dirt may incur during the production, so summit insists on clearing 3 times for each
wok/pan before delivering to the customer. That’s why Summit’s nitriding collection has 95% less dirt than another brand.
Superior thermal conduction.
Faster cook time.
Perfect for browning meat, pan-frying and more.
The thick iron stores heat for longer, maintaining constant oil temperature.
Iron is durable and scratch-resistant
Natural wood handle for convenient usage.
for all types of hobs
Take care of the pan to get good seasoning. Once your pan is blackened and completely nonstick, you have reached the peak of seasoned carbon steel! Until then, just keep using your pan and it will keep getting more and more nonstick.
For the longevity of this cookware, please use vegetable oil to properly season the surface after cooking.

Yoshikawa – Stainless Steel Single Handle Saucepan 22cm (Value $720) & Glass Lid 22cm (Value $80)

Traditional Japanese cuisine revolves around “nimono” (simmered dishes) and “dashi” (broths). Using a traditional Japanese saucepan makes it easy to prepare delicious home-style Japanese meals. The stainless steel saucepan breaks the limitations of ingredient types and can be used on any heat source. The Yoshikawa saucepan from Sanjo perfectly retains the characteristics of a traditional saucepan: quick heat conduction, anti-overflow hexagonal hammered texture, and a spout designed for simmering soups. If you enjoy warming and filling Japanese dishes, having a saucepan at home is essential!


Material: Stainless steel, Handle: Phenolic resin
Dimensions: 220mm (diameter) x 85mm (height), Handle: 170mm (length)
Bottom thickness: 0.7mm
Total capacity: 3L
Weight: 0.57 kg

Made in Sanjo, Japan, renowned for high-quality metal cookware.
Stainless steel construction, easy to clean, highly resistant to acid and corrosion, suitable for all cooktops.
Hexagonal honeycomb hammered texture accelerates heat conduction, ensuring even heating and preventing overflow during cooking.
Slightly curved, non-right-angle bottom allows for thorough mixing of sauces.
Traditional saucepan design with dual spouts for easy pouring of simmered dishes.
Phenolic resin handle prevents burns and is easy to clean.

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